We recognize that every time you use Fabbulist, you're putting your trust in us — to not only connect you with customers — but also help you provide a safe and high-quality experience.

As a Fabbulist stylist, this is priority, you are required to establish the following sanitation protocols for every appointment:



Wash hands and use sanitizer before/after appointments


Wear a face shield during every appointment


Communicate to customers to have their face masks at every appointment


Wear extra protective equipment (PPE) during appointments, i.e. apron or bibs


<aside> 💡 For additional safety resources, browse the following links:


For medical or health information, please contact your local health care provider or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000. For medical emergencies, immediately call your doctor or 911.

<aside> 💡 Haven't signed up yet? Get started by going here fabbulist.com and clicking sign up
